Monthly Archives: March 2012

choux de clabecq

Sous un ciel splendide nous avons eu le plaisir d’ installer nos choux de poubelles à Clabecq. Le travail de voisines, qui se sont associées à tricot trottoir a donc enfin trouvé sa destination. Espérons que les choux y puissent rester un long moment et que tous ceux qui passent pourraient apprécier notre contribution environnemental.

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Filed under Choux de poubelles, FR

vuilspruitjes Clabecq

Onder een stralende zon hebben we eindelijk de eerste vuilspruiten op de plaats van bestemming kunnen hangen, langs het kanaal Brussel Charleroi. Het is immers via rivieren en kanalen dat heel veel plastiek afval afgevoerd wordt naar de zee, om zich daar te voegen bij één van de 5 grote plastiek eilanden in de oceanen. De buurvrouwen van Clabecq zijn vorig voorjaar begonnen mee te haken en raakten er zo aan verslingerd dat ze moeilijk konden stoppen. We installeren de spruiten met z’n drieën op de brug en ook een eindje verder langs het fietspad, juist tegenover de grote schoorsteenpijpen van de Forges. Het is de plaats waar het riviertje de Hain in het kanaal uitstroomt en daarbij hopen plastiek afval meebrengt.

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Filed under NL

sprouts on the bridge

Munday 19 March, 3 women climbed on the bridge over the canal Brussels and Charleroi in Clabecq with a tricot trottoir balaclava on their heads. They managed to put a few toxic sprouts on the bridge and few days later they are happy to see that the creatures are still in place. Many passengers can take a look at the crocheted sprouts, because these days there is a trafic light for roadworks


And for those who pass the bridge by bike or foot, there is a little explanation to the thing.

After the bridge we went a bit further, where e litte stream comes in the canal with loads of plastic trash. So it seemed an appropriate place to add few sprouts there too.


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Every new member of Tricot trottoir creates a mask or balaklava in order to be ready for the day the gang goes out to put the knittings in the public space. Normaly without permission, never controlled by sponsors or institutions. Since we started in 2009 an interesting collection of funny faces has been created and there is more to come, as new members are coming in. Next meeting we should make a new photo of the group, because this one is from 2010 already.

At the start we were five, but by the end of the first year our number was already 13. At the monthly meetings we are often only 3 or 5, because every one has also lots of other things to do. We like every one to come, but we do not want to put pressure. Everybody should feel free to invest the time she wants or can invest. Just as every one should be able to propose the next project to be executed. If there is enough enthusiasm we can do it.

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Filed under EN